physical crosslink

physical crosslinkphysical crosslink
  1. At the same time , the physical crosslink due to intermolecular strong interaction restrictes the degradation rate of lysozyme .


  2. In addition to the type and character of physical crosslink network , the entanglement , topological factors , reptation model , lateral diffusion model and transient network model were reviewed .


  3. The results show that the additive can significantly improve the mechanical property of NEPE propellant and slightly lower the gel content as well as the chemical crosslink density , but raise the physical crosslink density without affecting the filler / matrix interaction .


  4. The dependence of the constants 2C_1 , 2C_2 and the fractional volume of rubber in the swelled system γ _k on the blend composition was studied . The contribution of the physical crosslink to the total modulus of the network was evaluated .
